Monday, June 28, 2010

Another week goes by......

Well another week goes by which marks nothing in particular. I had 2 doctors appointments that went well since there was no medicine changes for the first time that I can remember in recent months! Although I was not perscribed anything for my restless legs that seem to come alive a few hours after I take my medicine and feel like I have a bunch of somethings creeping through them. Oh well they are afraid of giving me anything since my reactions to medications have been mild to horrific I don't blame them. My physiologist has asked my regular doctor to give me a referral to a speech therapist in order to help me with cognitive thinking, not speech that part is just fine. This link lists a lot of my problems that the speech therapist would help me with
When I read I still can't tell you what I have read unless I have read it at least 10+ times, I have a hard time at times putting sentences together or thinking of the right word or what to say, etc.

Last week mom took me to a couple of restaurants Mimi's Cafe and then with Peyten to Chili's which was OK until I had to order. It took me a long time to read and understand what I was reading, understanding it, I was getting very distracted by the noise of the facilities, and it was so very very hard to concentrate. I was so frustrated at Chili's I wanted to break down in tears but I tried really hard not too. Peyten was highly concerned because he did not understand why I was having a hard time since I had never had a hard time at a restaurant before, of course since my life was altered mom has only taken me to places where everything is very familiar like Mexican food. Oh it was so tiring but I got through it all had a good lunch at Chili's, not going to go to Mimi's again they were horrible and the staff was beyond rude.

I also went on my first road trip since the reset button in my brain was hit. It wasn't very far, only one hour, but it was a lot to take in for me. We went to El Centro, CA to pick up Peyten's tenor sax and pay off his alto. We left at 9 in the morning made a couple little stops and were on our way through the warm desert sun before it heated up to baking mode. We went through the beautiful yet haunting Imperial Sand Dunes where many perish, have fun, and films have been made throughout the decades. Then we saw the long meandering brown fence in the not so distance that separates the USA from Mexico, at some points it looks like you could throw a rock and hit it. The lovely inviting blue water of the All American Canal which snakes through the soft beige sand looks cool and refreshing yet like many of the snakes found in the desert sands is deadly to those who challenge it. I saw a little burrowing owl sitting on a lone post looking longingly at a tilled field, wondering when it would be safe to go home. I smelled sweet freshly cut alfalfa which was ready to be bailed and stacked. The blackened fields of spent wheat were sprouting dust devils in shades of gray while the green stalks of corn waited for their gifts to ripen for picking. One may not look very close to a stretch of boring road that lasts a short while, but when one does it gives you a new outlook that can reach your soul. It is the little things and the little gifts that mean so much that need to be cherished and not overlooked.

This is my son's 4th year at summer camp, I can hardly believe he has grown up so fast. Peyten is turning 14 on Friday and I wish I could keep him little and mine I know that one day I will have to let him fly away and be his own man. I have given him gifts and opportunities to learn right from wrong and good from evil, and to be compassionate and humble. I have raised a young man that would give someone the shirt off of his back if they need it, yet when he needs a hug and encouragement he comes to me. He is smart, loving, handsome, sweet, determined, giving, with values that are indescribably high for someone so young. He is not afraid to give one a peace of his mind if something is not right, and he can dole out encouragement to those who need it. My son has been a proud Boy Scout for 9 years in September, he is honor roll and is in all accelerated classes, he is a band member who has been playing the sax for 5 years, he the owner of a Russian tortoise for 6 years, he has learned the flora and fauna around him along with different cultures which he loves, he comes from a single family home who was lucky enough to have a village help raise him with values and morals. He was a gift to me and one day he will be a gift to the world in his own time. Happy Birthday son I love you very much my love bug!

Well that is all till next time... G

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