Thursday, June 10, 2010

A wise person told me that if I can write my feelings the confused thoughts will leave my head. Well how can someone who has a child feel that it is fine to take photo's of other children doing various things in a bathroom! How can this same man tell his son's mother that she may not put him in scouts or have a big brother from the big brother big sister organization because he doesn't know the person or their background! Hello and you can look yourself in the mirror and not see the monster! You can actually tell a judge, jury, and your own son that you are not only innocent but falsely accused when there are not only pictures but witnesses and video on you phone, in the stores recordings, and on your laptop of these horrific incidences. When they try and convict any kind of sex offender they should throw the key away, which I say is mild to what I actually feel. One day you will have to look into you sons eyes and explain to him why you did this and see not only the hurt and pain, but the look of distrust and disgust in his beautiful hazel eyes. Your son is man enough at his young age of 13 to know that no one has the right to touch him the way you did these girls, and no one has the right to photograph him in the ways you felt was proper for these young ladies. You are the monster that took the innocence away from a couple girls under the age of 14 by engaging in lewd and levacious acts that took place in a Starbucks bathroom of all places.

I am grateful that you have not raised your son and for the most part have left him out of your life, I thank God for that! I, Peyten's mother, have done a fine job to keep my son safe from monsters like you. I have seen to it that the men in his life are worth a damn and what is expected of him in the future. I have given him the life skills that will be used through out his life, plus taught my son that it is never embarrassing to hug or kiss you mother at any age. I put my child into scouts at an early age so that he would be around wonderful men and others his age because I knew deep down that he would need them in the future. I have succeeded in raising a child that is well rounded, loving, happy, talented, and very smart that has overcome many obstacles. Every time an obstacle arises we plow through them even when I do not think it is possible.

I will and always be a mother and do what I know best which is to love, nurture, and be their for my son. I am the one to go to to cry on or vent too, I know it even if the venting is hard to take. I love unconditionally and always will no matter what. I am proud that I have raised you my way, yes my way! Son you are my one and only child that I love the one and only mom. I will tell you the truth and we will get through the pain, but remember you are not a reflection of anyone but me. We are strong and we can do this, our nightmare is over nobody can hurt us anymore.

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