Sunday, July 11, 2010

Being a mom

Well it has been a couple weeks since I last posted with some ups and downs but nothing much. My teen with angst went to summer camp and had a blast as usual, this was his fourth year! He turned 14 and I can hardly believe it and do not think it is fair that little ones grow up way too fast. It is true that all a parent has to do is blink at a certain moment like a wrinkle in time and whooop there they go at light speed from a giggly four year old to a fourteen year old that knows everything and you are always wrong but when they need mom they still snuggle. Snuggling a gangling fourteen year old who is inches taller than you may seem challenging but I find it no more challenging than a two year old who does not want to be held because they know if they sit still for more than 30 seconds they will sub-come to the sandman. Once your baby always your baby is what I think I cherish all the hugs, snuggles, mom can I sleep next you's, head laying on the lap's, and I love you's that I can get from my teen with angst, since as he puts it "I will be going to go to college soon and what will you do then mom since I won't be living at home". Even in the special moments once in a while he reminds me, but I know that I have the title of MOM and no matter what that title means that no matter how old the teen with angst gets he will always come to me when he needs to for some mom time whether it be just to talk, a hug, encouraging words, advice, or a little snuggle. I love my title and cherish it always. This week my teen is in PHX with his uncle and soon to be aunt, lets see if he wants to come home!

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