Monday, June 14, 2010

better than last week!

Well this is a new week with a new outlook. Last week was full of an emotional roller coaster and unbelievable's. So last week closed with my ex's sentencing being moved to 7/9/2010 which is strange my paralegal said. He was also moved to another jail which is farther away by 2 more hours woohoo! Idiot wrote my son a letter which Peyten thought was going to tell him what his dad did to deserve being put in jail, tried by a jury, convicted, and jailed but NO he could not MAN UP! Did I expect it hell no! The letter was full of "I'm sorry", "I am embarrassed", and "I love you". I have no doubt that this man does not love his son and I bet he is sorry that he was caught and is embarrassed at that. So I did the only thing that I could do because my son was asking too many questions and getting upset, I told him.

On Friday I told Peyten that his father is a sex offender. My son was not surprised at all, I needless to say I was floored. Peyten actually said that he was surprised his father was not caught earlier due to the fact that he has seen inappropriate pics on his phone many times in the past! Needless to say I was upset and well ya upset for I did not know and put my one and only in the hands of a pedophile without realizing it. Then I realized Peyten was strong enough to say something if he was touched or photographed inappropriately, but of course he was afraid of tattling on him for others!

Well I felt better that Peyten was not in the dark anymore but knew everything and was not in the least bit upset nor surprised. Peyten expressed that he wants no contact with his father from now on. He does not want to speak to him on the phone since he has nothing to say. He does not want letters since they are ridiculous and full of saying the same thing over and over but nothing important. Plus he does not ever want to see him in person since the thought makes him sick to his stomach. Peyten can't understand how anyone at all can do this to children since it is too sick and twisted to think about even for a 13 year old!

I am doing better in light of everything. My son is not upset with me due to his fathers crap and does not feel that I hid anything from him. Peyten feels like I just needed to get the information and he needed to get the jail letter first. My head and stomach have started to be friends again for now even though one doesn't like tomatoes at all anymore. I have calmed down from where I was 1 week ago and feel better.

As for my fibro today is going to be a tired day. I could not get to sleep on Saturday night so I ended up reading part of the 3 book of the Outlander Series, oh man is it good to say the least. I got up before everyone so much so Toby the boxer dog and the 4 doodie cats looked at me like I was nutters. I even went out to get the paper and it was not their! Peyten was presently surprised and scared that I was awake when he got up to get ready for his trip to Tombstone. Well he left, I read the paper, fixed coffee, watched the news and went outside. I watered half the front yard which would not be much but it is an acre full of plants. After that I went and checked on the surrogate banty chicken mom and her 2 baby peahens. I gave them water and food and then had to deal with a break-in.

This would have been funny for anyone on the outside, but at the time was not so too me. I forgot to close and bungie cord the gate from the big chickens outside! Know mind you we have little bitty chickens and turkey sized ones that are all pretty docile except for one neurotic rooster. I have 8 - 10 of these bruisers in with the babies and had to get them out before the little guys got trampled!! Well at first I tried to pick one up at a time and well every time I pitched a chicken and turned to get another one the last one came back in! After 10 minutes I got smart and found a stick let me tell you I am a #1 chicken herder! I got that stick and swiftly showed all the hoodlums the door and let them know I was not playing and indeed they wore their welcome out. After 5 minutes I had everyone out, the chicks and mom were settling nicely again pecking the ground which had freshly thrown tortilla chips and crumbled pumpkin pancakes on it among real chicken food. After watching them pecking around for a while I left smiling to play by the pool with some kittens. What a relaxing time.

Unfortunately I did not get to sleep till last night in the middle of True Blood. Oh well at least we have On Demand to watch it. Peyten had a wonderful day and got in about 11 said he woke me to say good night. I am loved by a wonderful son I am blessed. Today is going to be a slow day since I am achy and worn, my feet are killing me due to my disease and my toes are all rebelling. Even though I slept for 11 hours I think I shall go back to sleep for a few more.

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